IMAS EOD Level 1 - 3+


IMAS EOD Level 1 & 2 Syllabus
  • Field

    Combined Level 1 & Level 2 field operator training for IMAS EOD in humanitarian environments.
    On successful completion operators will be able to perform their respective duties and help plan and manage BAC and demining operations in accordance with IMAS.
  • Course Duration

    Level 1 & 2 - 3 Weeks
    With elements to pass in:
    • Basic UXO recognition & identification tests,
    • Single item disposal techniques assessment
      (IMAS Level 2 EOD Standard),
    • Demolition initiation set up and fault finding test, etc.
  • Target Audience

    Mine Action Personnel already involved in mine clearance, Military and Law Enforcement staff, Humanitarian Workers, Security Consultants or Local Communities, e.g.

Field Operator Level 1 - 2

Curriculum Overview
  1. Intro to HMA.
  2. History of ERW & Landmines – Mine Warfare.
  3. Mine Action Standards – IMAS, NMAS, SOPs.
  4. Information Management, Reporting and Database System – Safelands, IMSMA, GPS, GLONASS.
  5. Explosive Theory – EOR by Group, Subgroups, Role, Functioning Actions, Firing Mechanisms & Fusing, COAs, RSPs.
  6. Mine Risk Education – MRE and Community Liaison, Familiarization with Local Authorities and Local Population.
  7. Lead-in to IEDs and Booby-Traps - Functioning, Firing Mechanisms, Actions on Encounter.
  8. QM & QA – Introduction and familiarization with QM & QA Methods and Conduct of Quality Control.
  9. Marking and Safety Distances – Minefield Marking and Mapping of Hazardous Areas, Demining operational site setup, etc.
  10. Demining and BAC – Lead-in to Mine Clearance, Detection Systems, Operational Systems, Manual & Mechanical Clearance, Practical Use of Locators and Detectors, Subsurface Clearance, Clearance Team Management.
  11. Non-Technical and Technical Survey – Assessment, Management and Capabilities, Utilization and Advantages of Technical Reporting and Information Management and Mapping Database Systems for CHAs/SHAs.
  12. SHA/CHA Field Management: Data collection, Risk Assessment to Land Release, Processes and Methodologies of Implementation and Management of Onsite Clearance Operations.
  13. UXO/AXO Recognition - Generic Aids to Identification of UXO, Projectiles, Mortars, Rockets, Grenades (IMAS EOD Level 2). Submunitions, Area Denial Munitions, Landmines, Anti-Personnel & Anti-Tank Mines.
  14. Demolitions & Use of Explosives - Single item disposal techniques. Demolition safety rules. Practical demolition training (Non-live Ammo); Live demolition training. Types of explosives & Accessories, Initiation Sets, (electrical, nonelectrical). Explosive Storage & Transportation Rules & Regulations.
  15. Mechanically Assisted ORD (Ordnance Reconnaissance and Disposal) – Introduction into Mechanical Technologies easing and supporting MA and changing methodologies alike.
Detailed Curriculum
    • Explosive Ordnance Recognition
    • Explosives Theory and Safe Handling of Explosive Ordnance
    • Methods of Disposal
    • Safety Precautions
    • Storage and Transportation of Explosives
    • Management of Demolition Sites
    • Management
    • Medical requirements
    • Gather and prepare search or EOD equipment
    • Operate search or EOD equipment
    • Maintain search or EOD equipment
    • Manage search or EOD equipment
    • Initial Threat assessment
    • Threat assessment
    • Assess the explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Gather and analyse information on location of explosive ordnance
    • Develop plans to minimise explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Use local and other information to locate affected areas
    • Define the specific area to be searched
    • Record the possible location and general disposition of explosive ordnance
    • Identify and establish working relationships
    • Allocate EOD resources
    • Respond to developing events and imperatives
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of EOD operations and programmes
    • Provide advice of EOD-related matters
    • Accurate recording and general disposition of EO
    • Detect possible presence of EO and other risks
    • Locate EO or confirm absence
    • Identify specific hazards posed by the environs in which EO are located
    • Gain safe access to EO
    • Determine whether to move EO
    • Move EO within a designated area
    • Transport EO for analysis and /or disposal
    • Confirm the threat posed by EO
    • Implement protective measures
    • Assist in the disposal of EO
    • Dispose of EO
    • Provide advice on the remediation of clearance areas
    • Contribute to the remediation of clearance areas
    • Complete post task recording and reporting
    • Provide supplementary information, statements or reports
IMAS EOD Level 3 Syllabus
  • Supervising Field Operator

    Field operator training for Level 2 alumni who strive to become a clearance or demining site manager.
    This qualification gives a more in-depth knowledge, skills and leadership tools to plan, manage and conduct BAC and demining operations and supervise field operator personnel according to International Mine Action Standards.
  • Course Duration

    Level 3 - 3 Weeks
    With elements to pass in:
    • Basic UXO recognition & identification tests,
    • Single item disposal techniques assessment (IMAS Level 3 EOD Standard)
    • Safe storage and handling of explosives
    • Demolition initiation set up and fault finding test
    • Task management
  • Target Audience

    EOD Level 1 & 2 Field Operators, Military and Police EOD Specialists, Humanitarian Demining Personnel (Operations and Program Managers), National Authority Staff, Technical Field Staff, e.g.

Field Operator Level 3

Curriculum Overview
  1. Explosives Theory: Categorizing explosives, understanding their impacts and potential. Exploring the different forms of detonation and understanding the design and effects of Explosive Formed Projectiles, particularly shaped charges.
  2. Land Service Ammunition Identification (LSA): Tools and techniques for recognizing ground-based munitions, including their fusing mechanisms. Categorization of Projectiles, Mortars, Rockets, Grenades, and Landmines based on Primary Category, Secondary Category, Function, Risks, and Standard Disposal Methods. Surveying ground munitions and protocols for moving explosive items. Hands-on training focused on GMI identification (exploratory circuits).
  3. Landmine & Booby-Trap Identification: Recognizing minefield layouts and strategies. Components and operational principles of various landmines. Insights into simple and intricate triggering systems. A foundational overview of traps, delving into their operational theory and techniques.
  4. Air Dropped Weapons: Essential characteristics to pinpoint aircraft bombs, including trigger mechanisms and fuses, as well as their activation and operational actions. Classification and function-based identification of aircraft munitions such as Bombs, Carriers, Incendiaries, Submunitions, and Weapons designed for territorial denial. Techniques for safely neutralizing these weapons. Practical identification exercises (exploratory circuits).
  5. Guided Weapons: Categorization of guided missiles, understanding their distinct parts, and adhering to safety protocols. Determining the functions and types of these missiles. Reconnaissance approaches and disposal practices related to guided missiles. In-depth, hands-on training for missile identification (exploratory circuits).
  6. Handling Explosives: Adherence to Health, Safety, and Environmental regulations. Guidelines for the storage, transport, and manipulation of explosives. Ensuring security and safety around explosive materials. Hands-on review and assessment of an Explosive Storage Facility.
  7. Demolition Site Oversight: Criteria for selecting appropriate demolition locations, designing the layout of demolition zones, maintaining safety protocols, and executing demolition processes. Maintaining documentation for the site. Hands-on exercise focusing on choosing the right demolition site.
  8. Demolitions: Varieties of explosives and related tools, ignition systems (both electric and manual, and procedures for misfires). Ring and main line strategies. Techniques for high-order and low-order techniques. Methods of incineration, including high-intensity and low-intensity burnings. An introduction to the foundational concepts of large-scale (bulk) demolitions. Safety measures, including safe distance protocols for staff and machinery. Protective measures to reduce blast and debris risks. On-site, active demolition training session.
  9. Battle Area Clearance (BAC): Preliminary surveying in Battle Areas, establishing procedures and strategies for clearance. Techniques for surface, intermediate-depth instrument, and deep instrument scans, accompanied by live demonstrations and drills. Organizing BAC, productivity estimations, and maintaining operational records. Hands-on planning and documentation exercise.
  10. Threat Assessment and Course of Actions (COAs): Introduction to threat assessment and tools for threat analysis. Realistic and pragmatic threat evaluation exercise.
  11. EOD Operational Oversight: Comprehensive study and demonstrative EOD task and hands-on EOD operational training.
Detailed Curriculum
    • Explosive Ordnance Recognition
    • Explosives Theory and Safe Handling of Explosive Ordnance
    • Methods of Disposal
    • Safety Precautions
    • Storage and Transportation of Explosives
    • Management of Demolition Sites
    • Management
    • Medical requirements
    • Gather and prepare search or EOD equipment
    • Operate search or EOD equipment
    • Maintain search or EOD equipment
    • Manage search or EOD equipment
    • Initial Threat assessment
    • Threat assessment
    • Assess the explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Gather and analyse information on location of explosive ordnance
    • Develop plans to minimise explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Use local and other information to locate affected areas
    • Define the specific area to be searched
    • Record the possible location and general disposition of explosive ordnance
    • Identify and establish working relationships
    • Allocate EOD resources
    • Respond to developing events and imperatives
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of EOD operations and programmes
    • Provide advice of EOD-related matters
    • Accurate recording and general disposition of EO
    • Detect possible presence of EO and other risks
    • Locate EO or confirm absence
    • Identify specific hazards posed by the environs in which EO are located
    • Gain safe access to EO
    • Determine whether to move EO
    • Move EO within a designated area
    • Transport EO for analysis and /or disposal
    • Confirm the threat posed by EO
    • Implement protective measures
    • Assist in the disposal of EO
    • Dispose of EO
    • Provide advice on the remediation of clearance areas
    • Contribute to the remediation of clearance areas
    • Complete post task recording and reporting
    • Provide supplementary information, statements or reports
IMAS EOD Level 3+ Syllabus
  • EOD Field Technician

    This course is designed to train existing IMAS Level 3 certified students to become Level 3+ EOD Operators in humanitarian Mine Action, intertwined Mine Action and commercial industry.

    The curriculum focuses on managing and planning demining operations, demolitions, and explosive storage, as well as techniques for disposing of depleted uranium, airdropped and guided weapons, and their fuzing.

    Practical and theoretical assessments will require students to produce technical reports, and a valid IMAS EOD Level 3 Certificate or equivalent is needed to enroll.

  • Course Duration

    Level 3+ - 4 Weeks
    With elements to pass in:
    • UXO recognition & identification tests
    • Single item low-order disposal techniques assessment
    • Explosive storage, handling and transportation, bulk demolitions, protective works design and calculation and AFV clearance
    • ADW, GW, AFV Clearance,
    • Task management.
  • Target Audience

    EOD Level 3 Field Operators, Military and LE Technicians

Field Technician Level 3+

Curriculum Overview
  1. Recognition of Land Ammunition: Fundamental features for identifying unexploded ordnance (UXO). Details on fuse types, arming mechanisms, and activation processes. Categorizing projectiles, mortars, rockets, grenades, and land mines based on main and subcategories, functions, potential dangers, and general disposal techniques.
  2. Aircraft-Delivered Munitions (ADMs): Essential features to identify aircraft bombs from FSU, Coalition, and US sources. Tail assemblies, triggering mechanisms, and specific fuse identifying features. Procedures to safely disarm, including tools like rocket wrenches and de-armers, as well as explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) minimal explosive techniques. Design concepts and calculations for protective measures (theoretical perspective).
  3. Cluster Bomblets: Recognizing types of cluster bomblets from FSU, Coalition, and US. Mechanisms of arming, activation, and visual indicators of detonation. Techniques to clear malfunctioned or belatedly deployed bomblet containers.
  4. Precision-Guided Munitions: Identifying various parts of a precision-guided munition. Categorizing these weapons based on their launch source and intended target. In-depth comprehension of tracking and fuse systems for FSU, Coalition, and US precision-guided munitions. Theoretical techniques for disposing of liquid propellants. Methods for handling munitions in their launch containers. Standard recon and disposal techniques for precision-guided munitions and specific frequently encountered examples.
  5. Armored Combat Vehicles (ACVs): Managing and disposing of deserted or battle-damaged ACVs, inclusive of those impacted by DU rounds. Ensuring safety measures, the use of appropriate protective equipment, and outlining the disposal processes.
  6. Depleted Uranium (DU): Process for removing DU ammunition from ACVs. Emphasis on safety guidelines, appropriate personal protective equipment, and standardized disposal practices.
  7. Maritime Ordnance: Basic identification of various Naval unexploded ordnances, their categorization, inherent risks, and recognition of specific FSU variants. (Theoretical overview)
  8. Field & Temporary Explosive Storage: Design considerations for temporary explosive storage in the field. Standards for transportation and handling (per IATGs / ADR guidelines). Criteria for selecting a central disposal site (CDS), and conducting risk evaluations. Guidelines for range organization, administration, and operation. Techniques for largescale disposal (above 50Kg), incorporating methods for propellants, bulk small arms ammunition, White Phosphorous, and live demolition training exercises.
  9. Remediation of Detonated Ammunition Storage Sites: Strategic planning and supervision for the cleanup of detonated ammunition storage locations. (Theoretical perspective)
  10. Unexploded Ordnance Handling Instruction: Comprehensive training on the disposal of various ordnances, covering high-order techniques for different UXO types and extensive disposal practices. Introduction to low-impact disposal methods, including tools like rocket wrenches, de-armers, specialized EOD shaped charges, and thermite solutions.
  11. Awareness of Improvised Explosive Threats: A foundational overview intended to aid in identifying potential improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or booby-trapped areas, or areas that may house them. (Theory-focused)
  12. Chemical & Biological Ordnance Remediation: Identifying chemical and biological weapons and their agents. An overarching perspective on managing tasks involving Chemical/Biological armaments, including equipment and detection needs. Procedures for on-site disposal of Chemical/Biological warfare agents. (Theoretical insight)
  13. Advanced EOD Task Execution: Hands-on exercises focusing on advanced EOD Field Technician task management.
  14. EOD Project Management: Reviewing and drafting EOD standard operating procedures. Providing expert contributions to project pitches. Creating comprehensive EOD training agendas, an introduction to EOD project timelines, and monitoring project progress.
Detailed Curriculum
    • Explosive Ordnance Recognition
    • Explosives Theory and Safe Handling of EO
    • Methods of Disposal
    • Safety Precautions
    • Storage and Transportation of Explosives
    • Management of Demolition Sites
    • Management
    • Medical requirements
    • Operate search or EOD equipment
    • Manage search or EOD equipment
    • Threat assessment
    • Assess the explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Implement and Develop plans to minimise explosive ordnance-related risks
    • Provide advice of EOD-related matters
    • Detect possible presence of EO and other risks
    • Identify specific hazards posed by the environs in which EO are located
    • Gain safe access to EO
    • Determine whether to move EO
    • Transport EO for analysis and /or disposal
    • Confirm the threat posed by EO
    • Implement protective measures
    • Dispose of EO
    • Provide advice on the remediation of clearance areas
    • Complete post task recording and reporting